Agriculture & Nutrition Science Device Policy

Appropriate Student Use of Technology in the Classroom Policy

Date: May 2, 2012


To maintain the academic integrity of courses in the Department of Agriculture and Nutrition.

The Department of Agriculture and Nutrition views the use of personal electronics as affecting everyone involved with a learning experience. Therefore, the use of these devices shall be dictated by the Department's Appropriate Use of Technology in the Classroom policy and is not solely an individual student's choice.

For purposes of this policy, “personal electronic device” means any device that a student is in possession of which electronically communicates, sends, receives, stores, reproduces or displays voice and/or text communication or data. 

The use of any personal computational or communications devices in the classroom, not otherwise governed by University or course policies, is subject to the approval of the instructor. The use of such devices without permission of the instructor may be considered disruptive behavior.


  1. All devices, including cell phones, tablets, mobile presenters, digital recorders, iPods, texting calculators, cameras, smart watches, laptops, and/or electronic translators are not to be used during class unless the professor authorizes their usage for a class-related purpose.
    • In particular, cell phones are to be turned off and are not to be used during a class.
    • If the instructor gives permission for the use of a personal computer and/or digital recorder for note-taking that is the sole purpose for which these devices should be used.
  2. The use of any electronic devices during examinations, other than those sanctioned by the professor in charge of the testing, is strictly prohibited.
    1. If the professor allows the use of calculators, a basic scientific calculator may be used. (A scientific calculator is one that can calculate the values of the standard algebraic and transcendental function, but cannot display graphs of functions or do symbolic manipulation. They can be readily recognized because they have a “one-line” display.)
    2. Graphing and/or programmable calculators will be allowed in tests or quizzes only with instructor permission.
    3. No other devices with calculator capabilities, like phones, iPods, etc. will be allowed in tests or quizzes
    4. Your instructor may choose to prohibit the use of calculators on quizzes or exams, or may choose to distribute calculators owned by the Department of Agriculture and Nutrition.
    5. No lending/borrowing of calculators is allowed during quizzes and exams.
  3. Cell phones are to be turned off and not used during any testing or examination period. During testing cell phones are to be stored in a case, book bag, knapsack, or purse, and may not be placed on the table, desktop, or individual's lap.
    1. Earpieces and/or earphones may not be worn during quizzes and/or exams.
    2. If you are “on call” during a test, you may leave your cell phone with the instructor during the test. Otherwise, turn it off and put it in your backpack. If you answer your cell phone during a test, your test will be picked up.
    3. A cell phone may not be used as a calculator (see #3 above).
  4. Students with disabilities, who require electronic devices for their day-to-day functioning in the academic setting, are to coordinate the use of electronics during class sessions with the Student Support Center who will notify their course professor.
  5. Faculty members have the right to instruct students to turn off laptops and other devices, and to stow those devices in secure places, during any class.
  6. All tests are designed to assess the students' ability to apply the language you have learned to a specific task. The Southern Utah University Department of Agriculture and Nutrition forbids the use of electronic devices for the purpose of translation on any test. It is suggested that as you read and study for exams that you seek help from your professor, go to the Tutoring Center, consult your textbook, or use a bilingual dictionary to help you learn the disciple-specific language.

Students who violate this policy may be asked to leave the room, and may not be allowed to complete the exam, thus incurring a failing grade for the test. Students may also be liable for additional disciplinary sanctions under this policy. The final decision on the acceptably of a resource lies with the course instructor.


Agriculture & Nutrition Science