Five Benefits of Summer Classes in College

Posted: February 06, 2017 | Author: Southern Utah University | Read Time: 2 minutes

If you like the idea of catching up or moving ahead in your curriculum, summer classes offer opportunities and benefits you’ll want to consider. Most importantly, SUU can help you spend your summer smarter while leaving plenty of time for enjoying outdoor adventure in a location that draws millions of world travelers each summer.

Five Benefits of Summer Courses

Graduate Early 

The sooner you graduate, the sooner you launch your professional career and begin earning returns on your educational investment. Taking summer classes can help you graduate early, even by taking just a few credits. You may also enjoy the opportunity to invest in a summer course to lighten your load during standard semesters.
Or, if you have fallen behind on your graduation timeline, summer offers the opportunity to catch up. Professor and students talking

Focus on a Difficult Class

Are you putting off a difficult course? During standard semesters, giving attention to demanding courses like chemistry or calculus can be trying when you have a full schedule. Summer enrollment allows you to concentrate on your success earning the same credits as standard semesters, but accelerated. This means you learn more in less time. And while the pace goes quickly, the environment is relaxed and interpersonal.

Pocket Some Cash

With the availability of summer scholarships, you don’t have to worry about going broke for the opportunity to get ahead. Also, during summer semester, out-of-state students receive in-state tuition rates. Additional financial benefits for summer students include free campus parking, and reduced summer rates at several nearby apartment complexes.

Student studying outdoorsComplete General Education & Prerequisites

College requirements can be intense, and it can be a struggle to fit all necessary classes in a four-year timeframe. Whether your goal is to complete general education classes faster, or to check prerequisites off your list, enrolling in summer classes can help you get ahead.Students at angels landing

Enjoy the World’s Best Backyard

Spending summer months in a college town, like Cedar City, offers unique experiences. Beautiful weather and cultural festivals offer an ideal atmosphere, with less student traffic on campus. Also, living in the backyard of some of the most prominent U.S. national parks has many perks. Within a short drive from campus, you can participate in a world of outdoor adventure.


Whether your goal is to accelerate your degree or to spend your summer smarter, enrolling in SUU classes offers rewarding benefits while leaving plenty of time for summer fun in an area filled with outdoor adventure opportunities.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Student 3-Year Bachelor Degree

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