2017 College of Science and Engineering Valedictorian

Posted: May 02, 2017 | Author: Lexi Carter | Read Time: 2 minutes

From Gunnison Valley, Utah, Jonathan Warren is proud to represent the College of Science and Engineering as Valedictorian. As a human nutrition major and business management minor, Warren set himself up to become a pharmacist with the hope to someday run his own pharmacy.

Jonathan Warren

Warren credits his 4.0 and in-depth understanding of the material to his instructors at SUU.

“The amazing teachers, student aides and tutors on campus are the true reason I’ve succeeded academically,” said Warren. “They go the extra mile to help each student succeed.”

With parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles all alumni along with a strong pre-medical emphasis program, Warren’s natural choice for his undergraduate education was SUU. His degree in nutrition offered a unique background into medicine with practical, applied knowledge. His minor in business management has prepared him for the administrative side of owning a business.

Warren became a father March 2017 and had to learn to balance a demanding academic schedule, work, and family life. Warren says his wife and son are the driving force behind everything he does. With family playing such a huge role in his life, it makes sense for his grandfather to be his ultimate example of fatherhood, hard work and dedication.

“My grandpa taught me the value of a good education and strong work ethic,” said Warren. “I live my life by his advice – ‘If it’s worth doing at all, it’s worth doing it well’.”

Warren worked on campus as a parking monitor for four years and on the SUU grounds crew every summer. He also worked at Chrysalis, a community program providing support for individuals with disabilities.

When he’s not studying medicine, Warren is at rock concerts. Typically attending three every year, Warren set a personal record in 2016 by attending six concerts, including Set It Off, Breathe Carolina, and Yellowcard. He also enjoys spending time outside with family and friends, video games, and playing his guitar.

Warren has been accepted to the University of Utah’s pharmacy program and will begin Fall 2017.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Student Graduation

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