Tips for Day One

Posted: March 08, 2021 | Author: Sayre Davis | Read Time: 3 minutes

Online student checklist College students who are just beginning their journey in online education may wonder what they need to do or purchase in order to be prepared for the first day of classes. Below are a few helpful tips and tricks for online students to hit the ground running from semester one, day one.

Access to a Workstation

In order to access your online courses, a computer, iPad, or another technological device will be necessary. Most online students choose to purchase their own device, enabling them to work on assignments at their own convenience (ie: in their bedroom, at a cafe, in the library, or at the park). While that option may be the most favorable for students, it is not always feasible. Some students will use a public or university library computer to complete their coursework. Whatever you choose, make sure that you have access to a workstation, whether it be at your home or a library.

Get In Touch With Your Academic Advisor

After being admitted to an institution, it is important to reach out to your academic advisor to ensure that you are enrolled in the correct courses. Doing so is critical to you finishing your degree in a timely manner. Your academic advisor can also help answer any questions you have about your degree plan, requirements and prerequisites that you are unaware of, and more. Academic advisors are a resource that oftentimes is not taken advantage of, so don’t let that be the case in your situation. Get the help you need early, in an effort to save time and money--and graduate on time.

Plan Time In Your Schedule for Classes and Studying

If this is your first semester as an online student, it will be of the utmost importance for you to improve (and hopefully master) your time management skills. If professors do not require attendance at synchronous sessions, it can be easy to put homework, projects, and tests on the back-burner until the last minute. Doing so typically results in last-minute cramming sessions, poor test grades, and frustration. One way to combat this type of procrastination is to block out specific times of your day to study, complete assignments, and work on projects. Doing so can help you remain focused and stay organized, decreasing the amount of stress that you will likely feel if you choose to procrastinate.

Purchase Required Textbooks

Once you receive the syllabus from your professor, it will likely mention whether or not there is a required textbook for the course. While some students prefer to wait until the first day of class to gain a more solid understanding of whether or not the textbook is truly needed to complete the assignments and projects, it is completely up to you. If you would rather be safe than sorry, it is best to purchase the textbook and return it early if you have found that it is unnecessary for course completion.

Miscellaneous Items

Many online college students feel the need to purchase a few other miscellaneous items to make studying easier and more comfortable.

  • Headphones or AirPods: Make it easier for students to drown out the sounds and distractions around them, and focus on their music and studies.
  • Applications: There are a variety of applications (apps) that students often use to access their courses, create flashcards, study specific topics, read textbooks, and more.

Once you know which classes you are enrolled in, do specific research to determine which items and apps may be the most beneficial for you throughout your educational journey.


Preparing yourself before the first day of classes will ease your transition into being an online student. Following the simple steps listed above will prove to be beneficial as you take the time to meet with your advisor, prepare your workstation, and purchase the necessary items for you to successfully complete your online courses. If you have any questions or concerns about your educational path, do not hesitate to contact the SUU Online Admissions office at or 435-865-8665. 

Produced by SUU Online
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This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: SUU Online

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