5 Books You Should Read As a Student

Posted: May 21, 2021 | Author: Sayre Davis | Read Time: 3 minutes

Books you should read as a studentAs a student, there are many things you should do before you graduate, one of them being to take up reading. Reading has the potential to change your life. Learning from others and their lives is essential to understanding what kind of life you want to lead. There is nothing more inspiring to people than learning about someone else's successes or journey.

As Dr. Seuss said, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” As a student, you should take this to heart and open your metaphorical bookshelf and start stocking it.

Five Books Students Should Read

Into The Wild

The first book that every college student should read is the novel titled “Into The Wild” by Jon Krakauer. This book is a true story of a recently graduated college student who most agree is looking for enlightenment. As many of us are looking for something more, so was the main character, Chris McCandless. He went on a journey many of us wish we could, blowing his life savings on a camping van, changing his name, and driving all over the country searching for something more.

As the author, Jon Krakauer, takes us through Chris McCandless's journal, what he learns teaches us all something different. Whether that's what kind of journey you want to take or what is most important to you in your life, this book is inspiring to all.

The Art of Happiness

“The Art of Happiness” by the Dalai Lama is essential not only for college students but for everyone looking to better their life. The Dalai Lama discusses common problems everyone faces such as anxiety, insecurity, anger, and discouragement. Through the Dalai Lama’s difficult life he is never seen without a smiling happy face. He discusses how this is possible in this book and gives simple tips to allow everyone to find this level of happiness.

Through 2500 years of Buddhist techniques and philosophies he gives a simple but helpful condensed version of what he has learned. As a college student finding what makes you happy can be difficult at times. This book has been one that has been proven to help you through those hard times.

The Alchemist

“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho is a tale of perilous adventure in a magical world. It is a fiction novel about a young boy who is in search of a treasure that pops up in his dream. After making many great friends and having adventures he arrives at the place in his dreams to find out where his treasure truly is. This book is a fun read and taken literally it means little but when taken in the way the writer intended it teaches us valuable lessons. One of the main ones is to follow your dream even though that journey will not be easy. College students more often than not can always afford a little encouragement and this great read does that.

Green Lights

A book by famous movie star Mathew McCanoughey, “Green Lights” is a book about understanding when you have an opportunity and when to take it. Throughout his entire life, McCanoughey has learned valuable lessons from his father, mother, brothers, and mentors. He shares these valuable pieces of knowledge in a fun and quick read. He speaks to those who are looking to find their true place in the world and no one could need that more than a college student.
Reading “Green Lights” gives you a sense of understanding of what makes one's life successful and what it takes to find what is most important. College students reading this book will gain a better understanding of what they want from life.


Reading can be a huge benefit in the life of those who pursue it. If you are a college student looking to find motivation, start with one of the five books above.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Graduate Programs SUU Online

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