High School Competition Fall 2020
- Video application deadline: Wednesday October 28th at midnight
- Notification of advancement in the competition: Friday October 30th by midnight
- For selected contestants, submission of slides for presentation: November 1st by midnight
- Competition: Tuesday November 3rd from 5:00 to 7:00 PM in BUS 126
- Competition is open to high school students.
- Applicants may enter individually or in groups, but only one entry per person. No person may participate in the presentation of more than one idea.
- Contestants must be available on November 3rd, from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm to participate in person.
- Video must answer these five questions:
- Who are you?
- What is your product?
- What is the price?
- How do you promote it?
- How will you distribute it?
- Applicants must submit a video summary, no longer than 90 seconds on or before midnight October 28th.
- Applicants will be notified by October 30th, 2020 if they will be participating in the competition.
- Each team or contestant may have up to 5 slides with no video or animations that must be submitted by email to Kristina Maine (kristinamaine@suu.edu) on or before November 1st, 2020 by midnight. Slides must answer the same 5 questions as the video submission.
- Each presenter will have 90 seconds to pitch their idea. That will be followed by questions from judges.
- Contestants can have props or handouts but time to hand out materials is part of their 90 seconds.
- The judging criteria for the competition will be rated on a scale from 1-10 based on the following:
- Is this business capable of being successful long-term?
- How fast could the idea or business be in the market?
- How well prepared was the student for their pitch?
- In the event of a tie, judges will confer to decide the winner.
- Monetary awards are as follows:
- $500-1st
- $200-2nd
- $150-3rd
- $100-4th
- $25-Honorable Mention
- T-shirts for everyone who competes
- Certificates will be presented at the end of the competition.
- Rules are subject to change without prior notification
- Monetary awards are as follows:
SUU assumes all participants and spectators in this contest agree to implied non-disclosure. Proprietary concepts and intellectual property may be protected by a provisional patent or copyright, should the contestant desire. Contestants in this contest will not be penalized for withholding key concepts or intellectual property associated with their business idea.
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