State Bank Business Challenge
The State Bank Business Challenge will be held as part of this year's One Utah Summit, on the Southern Utah University campus. This Business Challenge is intended to help identify and support high-potential early-stage businesses. With $25,000 in cash prizes plus additional awards, all entrepreneurs who meet the criteria are encouraged to consider entering the competition to have their idea heard and evaluated.
2021 Winners
Daniel Cluff & Bryce Bennett, Bactelife, $5000
Michael Oliphant, Safer Paver, $4800, which included the $3000 People’s Choice Award, $1500 Business Use award and mentoring with Rich Christiansen, a luxury cabin stay plus $300 and 2 hours of tax advising, courtesy of Derek Christensen & Associates
Mirryn Morrill, (2021 SUU Graduate and last year's S4 Competition Grand Prize Winner), Morr Decor, $5250 which included the $2000 Governor’s Choice Award and mentoring with Carine Clark
Clark Barlow, Buttermints, $3250
Daniel Warren, Utah State University, Bison Paddles. $3000
John Farnsworth, Gang Box Lid, $1750 and 4 hours legal consulting courtesy of M.A. Munson Law
Shawn Johnston, Splendipity Hammocks, $1750
What You Need to Know: 2020 Competition
** This information is subject to change for the next competition**
- Business must have generated some revenue by the time of entry. Prior year's total revenue must not exceed $200,000
- Entries must be submitted by Midnight, Monday, September 27th
- This competition is open to legal residents of Utah and students attending SUU, DSU,Utah State, Southwest Tech, and Snow College Students
- Applicants may enter individually or in groups, but only one entry per person.