Miscellaneous Fees
Item | Amount |
International undergraduate application fee | $60 |
International graduate application fee | $60 |
Inclusive Access is a course material delivery program that some instructors use. It packages digital content with your course so you can access the right materials at the most affordable price. The cost varies depending upon the course materials chosen by the instructor. Students who do not wish to participate in the Inclusive Access program may opt out by contacting the Bookstore within the first 14 calendar days of the semester. | Varies by Course |
Cap and Gown | $45 |
Graduate Cap and Gown | $55 |
Credit-by-course-examination fee, per credit hour (A maximum of 16 semester hours of credit can be earned by course's examination for any one academic discipline) | $6 |
Foreign language credit by examination fee, per credit hour (A maximum of 16 hours credit can be earned in foreign languages with a maximum charge of $96) | $6 |
Graduation | $15 |
Late payment | $35 per month |
Parking Decal (all vehicles must be registered with Parking Services) | $30 |
Resident Life Parking Permit | $35 |
Returned check handling charge* | $20 |
Spouse activity cards - Fall | $10 |
Spring | $10 |
Yearly | $20 |
Family activity card, per year | $30 |
per semester | $15 |
Student Identification card | $3 |
Replacement | $5 |
Electronic Official Transcript | $11 |
Printed Official Transcript | $15 |
Unscheduled final exam fee (per exam) | $10 |
* All returned checks will be assessed a $20.00 handling charge and appropriate late fees.