Dean's Office - College of Engineering & Computational Sciences

Dr. Jeffrey Miller joined SUU in 2022 as the Dean of the College of Engineering and Computational Sciences. His academic career started at California State University, Los Angeles, where he taught undergraduate computer science classes while pursuing his Ph.D. While there, he won the prestigious Professor of the Year Award, which is voted by the students in the department for the most effective faculty member. After completing his Ph.D. at the University of Southern California, he became the first Computer Engineering faculty member hired at the University of Alaska Anchorage, and he became the Department Chair, overseeing the Mechanical, Electrical, and Computer engineering programs. He facilitated the hiring of three faculty members and merged the Computer Engineering and Computer Science departments into one, growing the faculty from one to seven before leaving. He then joined the Computer Science faculty at the University of Southern California and became the Department Chair of the Information Technology Program, which is a program dedicated to providing students of all majors with a technology-related education. He grew the program to over 5,000 students in three years, over a 50% increase from when he started. His academic research involves technologies used in driverless vehicles, specifically related to routing, networking, and ethics, along with enhancing STEM education at the K12, undergraduate, and graduate levels. He appreciates the support of his wife and four kids, and he is proud to be a T-Bird. Dean Miller can be reached at
College Staff
Faculty Resources
Gibson Fellowships
The Walter Maxwell Gibson endowment will provide fellowships to conduct undergraduate research or projects. Awards are competitive and are open to students in engineering, computer science, or mathematics. Students must work with a Faculty Principal Investigator in one of these fields. Additional details and requirements are in the application document.
Faculty Scholarly Support Fund
FSSF Application