Teaching Resources
SUU's Center for Teaching and Innovation (CTI) are committed to providing faculty with high-quality resources they can utilize in their teaching regardless of the instructional modality. The resources below provide general information about different teaching topics, how these strategies can be applied in the classroom, and the potential benefits of utilizing these methods. If you have any additional questions, or would like individual or small group discussions on these topics, you can contact either CTI.
Assessments (e.g. formative vs summative)
Campus Resources Available to Support Students
Course Design (Backwards Design, Universal Design, etc.)
Effective Group Work (Face-to-Face and Online)
Evaluating and Documenting your Teaching
Facilitating Face-to-Face Discussions
Facilitating Online Discussions
Flipped Square
High Impact Practices
Inclusive Teaching
Instructor Presence and Engagement
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Technology in the Classroom
Writing a Syllabus
Additional Resources
- Center for Teaching & Innovation
- Webinars & Workshops
- Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) provides webinars, many of which are free for AAC&U members. SUU is a member.
- Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities provides webinars with videos available to view.
- Quality Matters (QM) offers professional development and as subscribers SUU employees qualify for a discount:
- QM Success Stories webinars (free)
- workshops
- live web conferencing workshops
- University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) provides free webinars.