Administration & Supervision/Leadership Licensure (Nevada)

27 or 36 Credits*
12-18 months

Transformational change in a school begins with one person. Through Southern Utah University’s Professional Educational Administration programs, that one person is you. We understand that our world needs great school leaders. Our program is more than a certificate or advanced degree – we empower future principals and educational leaders through critical inquiry, reflection and dynamic leadership strategies.

SUU education building

We offer two programs for future Educational Leaders

Nevada Requirements for Licensure

To receive a license as administrator of a school, in addition to completing the coursework in our program, applicants must:

  • Hold a masters degree in educational administration
  • Submit evidence of at least 5 years as a licensed teacher in K-12 programs

To receive a license as administrator of a program, in addition to completing the coursework in our program, applicants must:

  • Hold a masters degree
  • Hold a valid special license for the program for which the endorsement is requested
  • Submit evidence of at least 5 years as a licensed employee of the program in K-12 education

Nevada also offers a conditional endorsement as administrator of a school. This program provides the applicant with the pathway to secure a conditional endorsement and begin working as a school administrator while completing the educational leadership program at SUU. The requirements for this conditional endorsement include:

  • Be accepted into our program
  • Have completed at least five years of teaching experience and hold a renewable license
  • Employed in a school district other than Clark County, Washoe County or Carson City

Application Requirements

  • For the Masters with endorsement program, an earned bachelors degree
  • For the endorsement program, an earned bachelors and masters degrees
  • 2.5 GPA
  • Reference
  • NV students do not need a background check

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  • $355/credit
  • $1,065/class

Contact your recruiter/advisor for more information. Tuition costs are subject to change, review the graduate tuition tables for most up-to-date information.