Graduate Studies in Education
Southern Utah University's Master of Education is designed for any educational professional. We feature fully online programs and up to 6 possible start dates throughout the year, with most courses taught in 7-week terms.
How This Program Has Helped Educators
"Our classroom community has boomed! Students were so excited to help [with my study] and were so supportive. The lessons we used helped students who normally would not share, willingly participate."
Xiomara Ruiz, Elementary 3-5 Teacher
"I feel I became so much closer and more invested in my students and their academic and emotional success!"
Elizabeth Wittwer, K-2 Teacher
Best Accredited Colleges has ranked Southern Utah University #10 for Best Online Master's in Education Programs. Visit their site for complete rankings. We are honored by this ranking, as hundreds of institutions nationwide are evaluated. Our quality of education, faculty, campus resources have led to this ranking. Congratulations to the entire program!