Faculty & Staff - Graduate Studies in Education

Dean's Office - College of Education

Pamela Powell
Dean, College of Education and Human Development

Office: ED 338C435-865-8171pamelapowell@suu.edu

Tony Pellegrini
Department Chair, Teacher Education/Professor, Education

Office: ED 309435-559-1054pellegrini@suu.edu


Doug Stump
MED Director/Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership

Office: ED 310540-450-6689dougstump@suu.edu

Graduate Program Specialists

Tammy Lovell
Graduate Program Coordinator



John Meisner
Asst Prof, Teacher Education/Director COEHD Accreditation

Office: ED 303meisner@suu.edu

Joel Judd
Associate Professor, Education

Office: ED 313435-586-1952joeljudd@suu.edu

Brianne Kramer
Associate Professor, Teacher Education

Office: ED 308briannekramer@suu.edu

Brian Ludlow
Associate Professor, Education

Office: ED 330435-668-7224brianludlow@suu.edu

Tony Pellegrini
Department Chair, Teacher Education/Professor, Education

Office: ED 309435-559-1054pellegrini@suu.edu

Mallory Poole
Assistant Professor of Special Education


Doug Stump
MED Director/Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership

Office: ED 310540-450-6689dougstump@suu.edu

Nichole Wangsgard
Professor, Special Education

Office: ED 311435-865-8295wangsgard@suu.edu