SUU to Everywhere

Vic Browder (’97)

Vic Browder (’97)
SUU to Film and Television Actor

Originally published on February 01, 2021.

Actor Vic Browder pulls no punches when he points to SUU as a crucial catalyst in his life, and as an aid in saving him from what might have been a much less rewarding existence.

“Artists hold humanity in the mirror,” he says. “I know what I want to see when I look there. I think with most people, we find out who we truly are during the college age years. SUU was a great home for that discovery.”

An interest in theater forged at Las Vegas’ Western High School began to turn what had been a hardscrabble, sometimes dangerous world into something meaningful and contributive. And, that transformation in his life was on the way to being realized when he enrolled to learn the craft of acting at SUU, which “gave me the courage to continue into a world that few last in,” he says.

He singles out faculty member Richard Bugg as a mentor, and says that among the things he learned about himself here was how much he didn’t know and how much more there was to know…about the craft, the art, people, the world.

Like many young would-be actors, Vic had a lot of jobs, from digging ditches to selling diamonds in order to pay the rent.

“I am still a man of many skills and interests: a theater producer, director, designer and builder, massage therapist and master gardener,” he says.

These days, though, he mostly works as an actor for film and television, which he was always his goal in the craft. He’s had parts in films and television shows headlined by such actors as Morgan Freeman, Margo Robbie, Billy Bob Thornton, Kristen Wiig, Ed Harris, Amy Adams and Bryan Cranston.

Moreover, he is a co-founder of the Mother Road Theatre Company in Albuquerque, and a well respected acting coach.

Tags: Alumni Theatre Arts and Dance