SUU to Everywhere

Jeff Skaggs ('81)

Jeff Skaggs ('81)
SUU to Associate Athletic Director

Originally published on May 01, 2019.

Before attending Southern Utah University, Jeff Skaggs graduated from Marin Catholic College prep near San Francisco. Jeff chose to pursue a degree at SUU because he was given the opportunity to join the basketball team.

“I came to SUU, a place very different from San Francisco, sight unseen,” said Jeff. “Learning to be away from home and on my own was a growth process. That said, the people in southern Utah were so very welcoming.” 

After graduating with his business degree, Jeff went on to start and direct Nike Basketball Camps and became the associate athletic director at San Domenico School, a private K-12 boarding school located 20 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge.

As a part of his responsibilities Jeff oversees 26 high school and 28 middle/lower school teams, and coaches volleyball, basketball, cross country, and track and field. Working with countless students over the past twenty years, Jeff says his favorite part of the job is being a voice in so many students’ lives. 

“It's been an incredible blessing and gift to have so many relationships through sports.” 

Jeff’s experiences at SUU taught him about setting goals and achieving them.

Tags: Student Alumni Athletics