SUU to Everywhere

Elijah Day (’21)

Elijah Day (’21)
SUU to COO of Stampede

Originally published on January 25, 2024.

While Elijah Day (’21) always knew he wanted to work in politics, it wasn’t until he discovered political consulting through Stampede America that he found his dream job, working his way up from an entry level position to chief operating officer in just five years.

Stampede America works among the nation's biggest campaigns, specializing in communication through door-to-door canvassing in order to spur voter action. Elijah’s responsibilities include overseeing all major projects across the country and ensuring that clients are satisfied.

“I love everything about my job. I get to hear the voices and stories of thousands of people from diverse backgrounds.” says Elijah. “I also get to do something that has an impact on the direction of our country and try to make a positive impact on the U.S.”

With a passion for politics, Elijah was drawn to SUU by the small classes and campus community. The support he received from his classmates and professors as he pursued his degree in accounting helped him succeed, and he learned that being confident about what he wanted in life opened doors for a successful future.

“I learned that I could network at a high level and that progression was my main motivator in life. I believe that everybody's main motivator is progression at whatever level makes them happy,” he says.

In addition to his career, Elijah serves his community through volunteer positions at his church and various political organizations and, notably, by working with SUU professors to help find jobs for students.

“When most students decide they want to be involved in politics, they go get their political science degree which most often means they work on the official policy side, but there is a whole world of consulting that combines politics and business, and it pays well,” says Elijah. “There is so much upward trajectory for students and it is a career field starved of top-end talent. I love SUU and want students to know that what I have been able to do is possible for all of them.”

Elijah lives in Northern Virginia with his wife, daughter, and two dogs.

Tags: Business Alumni Accounting

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