Student Health Insurance Information

SUU does not have a student health insurance plan. There are, however, several healthcare options available for students without insurance.

Options for Obtaining Insurance

Despite the availability of healthcare for those without insurance, it can be helpful to be aware of your health insurance options. The following are several ways to obtain health insurance as a student:

  • Most family health insurance plans allow you to remain on your parents' insurance until you are 26. Ask your parents about theirs!
  • Are you employed? Check with your employer and/or the Human Resources Department at your place of employment to see if they offer an employer sponsored health plan.
  • See if you qualify for Medicaid. (Most people qualify!)
  • Purchase a plan on the Healthcare Marketplace. Open enrollment is from November 1 to December 15 or requires a qualifying event such as: Loss of other coverage, Marriage or divorce, Birth or adoption of a child, or other major life events.

Visit the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to learn more about Health Insurance Basics.

Looking for information on finding mental healthcare? Check out SUU's Mental Health Resources to see what is available to you.

Mental Health Resources