General Grant Information

The purpose of the CONNECT Grant program is to provide funding support to SUU undergraduate students who want to take their education beyond normal requirements and standard course work to accomplish something that is different, out-of-the-box and/or exceptional.

CONNECT Grant Logo

The library is anxious to support students who are being held back from taking the next step in their university education due to a lack of funding. CONNECT Grants provide awards up to $1000, on a competitive basis, to help make these types of projects possible. 


Grant proposals may only be submitted through the CONNECT Online Proposal Forms. All potential grantees should read and follow all of the grant guidelines and comply with grant deadlines. Expedited reviews may be requested for unusual or emergency situations. Send requests to:


Fall Semester - 2nd Friday in October, 2nd Friday in November
Spring Semester - 2nd Friday in February, 2nd Friday in March
Summer Semester - 2nd Friday in June


Research and Creative Projects Grant

  • CONNECT Grant Guidelines – Read carefully before completing and submitting a proposal
  • CONNECT Grant Online Proposal – Grant proposals must be completed fully and accurately. All CONNECT Grant projects must have a faculty/staff/professional mentor and every proposal must be accompanied by a CONNECT Grant Mentor Support form (below) completed by the mentor.
  • CONNECT Grant Mentor Support - A mentor support form must be completed by the Project Mentor and the form must include the exact Project Title that appears in the student’s CONNECT Grant proposal. Mentors should review student applications to ensure the information and budget are complete and accurate.
  • CONNECT Grant proposal Sample Budget - The Budget is a critical part of all CONNECT Grant proposals. Though budgets will differ depending on the type and scope of the project basic elements are common to most, if not all, project budgets.

Travel-Dissemination Grant

  • CONNECT Travel Grant Guidelines - Read carefully before completing and submitting a proposal
  • CONNECT Travel Grant Online Proposal - Proposals must be completed fully and accurately. All CONNECT Travel Grants must have a faculty/staff/professional mentor and every grant proposal must be accompanied by a CONNECT Grant Mentor Support form.
  • CONNECT Grant Mentor Support – A mentor support from must be completed by the travel mentor and include the exact Project Title that appears on the student’s CONNECT Travel Grant proposal. Mentors should review student applications to ensure the information and budget are complete and accurate.
  • CONNECT Travel Grant proposal Sample Budget - The Budget is a critical part of all CONNECT Grant proposals. Though budgets will differ depending on the type and scope of the project basic elements are common to most, if not all, project budgets.


Projects and travel that receive CONNECT Grant funding are required to send a short summary report to the CONNECT Grant Office within 30 days of completion. If a research/creative project funded through a CONNECT Grant is subsequently disseminated through a presentation, paper or other public/professional venue it is expected that the grantee will recognize the CONNECT Grant support that facilitated the realization of their work. Send to: