Meet Colter Bennett, the 2024-25 SUUSA President

Published: September 30, 2024 | Author: Abbie Cochrane | Read Time: 5 minutes

Colter Bennet - 2024 SUU Student body presidentAs a new year gets into full swing at Southern Utah University, a new SUUSA Executive Council starts their term in office. Leading them is the 2024-25 SUUSA Student Body President, Colter Bennett, who welcomed T-Birds–both new and returning–back to campus for another great year at SUU.

A senior majoring in finance, Bennett is from Layton, Utah. Business has always been something of interest to Bennett, and provides specific career options while maintaining an element of broadness where he feels he can take his career in the direction best for him. Finance has also played a major role in his journey of selecting a college to attend, as SUU provided him with several significant scholarships.

Bennett’s service on campus began long before he was sworn in as Student Body President; he spent the first three years at SUU as a part of the Presidential Ambassadors, the Student Alumni Association, and was a part of the Thundercrew, an organization of students who support the T-Birds at local athletic events.

“The experience that solidified my decision [to run for SUUSA President] was working in the President’s Office as a Student Assistant to the President. Up in that office, I saw the University more as a business, and less as a school,” said Bennett. “I rubbed shoulders with some amazing people, including many of the cabinet members and trustees of the University. From there it just made sense. I felt that I was the best equipped student to advocate for students, because I had already developed relationships with many of the major decision-makers here on campus.”

From there, it was a matter of preparing a campaign and running for the position. According to Bennett, the process was busy and a learning experience, but extremely fun.

“I was up all day telling as many people as I could to vote. After a while, I realized how little students vote on our campus, and my pitch went from ‘Vote for Colter!’ to ‘JUST GO VOTE,’” Bennett stated. “I met some amazing students, but my favorite part was seeing the support that my campaign team gave to me. They all worked so hard– I had the most amazing campaign team. I don’t think I would have won the election without them, and I also don’t think we would have had the voter turnout we did without them.”

Flashing forward to today, Bennett is focused on helping every student on campus to the full extent of his ability.

“Overall, we just want students to understand that they have representation, and they have a voice here on campus. I want my team and I to reach out to as many students as we can. This means leaving our office, and actively seeking out their feedback. We are also encouraging students to use ‘MySUUVoice.’ This is the platform on the SUU Portal that allows students to share their feedback directly with us; I plan to be visible and accessible to all students so they can share their honest opinions with me,” Bennett explained.

Additionally, Bennett’s work as the voice of the people extends far beyond campus boundaries. “Students’ tuition pays for 50% of everything that happens here on campus, so students have a huge stake in this institution and that is why their voices are so important,” Bennett continued. “I am currently working with local legislators to be the voice of the students with legislative issues on Utah’s Capitol Hill and I am advocating for students on issues that aren’t commonly talked about.”

Another one of Bennett’s goals is to increase wages for on-campus student workers.

“The average wage here on campus hasn’t increased in a few years, but the cost of living has increased considerably. My team and I are currently working with HR and department chairs to see what we need to do to get our students paid more!”

Finally, the third primary goal in Bennett’s playbook for the year is networking, and helping students learn not only the importance of networking, but how to network so they have contacts prepared in their anticipated career fields following graduation.

“One tool that is extremely underutilized here at SUU, is our alumni. There are thousands of them and they all want to help current students,” Bennett stated. “And we have an existing resource that’s main purpose is to connect students to alumni: SUUConnect. This is a Linked-in style social networking software that students, alumni, faculty, staff, trustees, and administrators can access for free. They can connect with each other and hopefully give our students the opportunity to gain industry experience before graduation or provide them with resources and other connections. The goal is to give students the best chances of getting a job at graduation.”

With these goals in mind, Bennett and the rest of SUUSA are prepared to make this year one of campus unity, academic success, and career-oriented progress for students. His advice to students consists of the following.

“First, get involved and meet people - that is what college is all about! Second, you have representation. Let your student government know what issues you have by talking to us on campus or using MySUUVoice! I believe that a unified campus is one place where everyone can see the opportunities that the institution gives their students. I love SUU, and I believe that this institution has infinite opportunities for students who are willing to get involved and be a good person. This place treats its people well, and I love it!”

To contact Bennett or any member of the SUUSA Executive Council, reach out by email on the SUUSA website or on MySUU Voice.

Tags: Student CurStu SUUSA

Contact Information:

Brooke Heath