SUBJECT: Statutory Creation of the System of Higher Education and of the University
Nine individual campuses of Utah colleges and universities were brought together to form the Utah System of Higher Education by the Higher Education Act of 1969.
The responsibility for the Utah System of Higher Education is vested in the Board of Higher Education, whose members are appointed by the Governor. The Board appoints a Commissioner, who is the chief executive officer of the Board, and the presidents, who are the chief executive officers on the respective campuses.
On March 11, 1897, the State of Utah created in Cedar City the Branch Normal School as a branch of the University of Utah. In 1913, governance of the institution was transferred to Utah State University and the name was changed to Branch Agricultural College. The institution operated for the next five decades as a two-year college and branch of USU, but the name of the institution was changed in 1953 to College of Southern Utah.
In March 1965, the status of the college was changed to that of a four-year institution, and in 1969 the name became Southern Utah State College, a four-year comprehensive institution with its own governing board.
At the 1990 session of the State Legislature, the passage of Senate Bill 119 changed the name of the institution to Southern Utah University. The bill was signed into law on February 14, 1990 with an effective date of January 1, 1991.
In 2011, the Board of Higher Education (then the Board of Regents) approved Southern Utah University’s mission change and designation as Utah’s designated public liberal arts and sciences university.
In 2016, Southern Utah University adopted a new mission that emphasized the institution’s commitment to experiential education and students’ personal growth, civic responsibility, and professional excellence. A new vision statement also outlined the goal that Southern Utah University will provide the best educational experience in the intermountain west.
Under its statutory authority the State Board of Higher Education has enacted a formal mission statement for the University and rules for the administration and operation of the institution.
The responsible office for this Policy is the Office of the President.
Date Approved: June 1, 1990
Amended: November 9, 2006; December 7, 2012; March 19, 2021