POLICY #6.30
SUBJECT: Excused Absence
The purpose of this Policy is to establish a University excused absence policy for students participating as representatives of Southern Utah University at academic events, artistic performances, or as an athlete, manager, or trainer in NCAA intercollegiate competitions, as well as high-profile students serving the University interests.
- Southern Utah University Policy 11.2 Student Conduct Code
- Southern Utah University Policy 11.4 Student Complaints
- Procedure for Sanctioning Activities as Excused Absences
- Academic Events: Academic events include competitions (related to a major or an academic department), fine arts performances, course-related field trips, and conferences associated with professional organizations and honor societies.
- Course-related events must obtain approval from the program’s Department Chair and Dean.
- Other academic events or students serving the University interest (e.g., conferences, department/major events, Board of Trustees meetings) must obtain approval from the sponsoring organization committee, advisor, Department Chair, Director, and appropriate Dean. Examples of events with students serving the University’s interests include students working with the university efforts in recruitment, Board of Trustees or Deans’ Council meetings, and NCAA Intercollegiate Athletic competitions (including student-athletes, trainers, managers, and cheerleaders).
- All sanctioned activities serving the University interests must obtain final approval from the Office of the Provost.
- NCAA Intercollegiate Athletic Competition must obtain approval from the Athletic Compliance Director, the SUU Athletic Director, and from the Faculty Athletics Representative.
- Academic Events: Academic events include competitions (related to a major or an academic department), fine arts performances, course-related field trips, and conferences associated with professional organizations and honor societies.
- Student Responsibilities
- Students shall inform their instructor of dates they will miss class due to an excused absence prior to the date of that anticipated absence. For activities whose schedules are known prior to the start of the semester, students must provide their instructors a written schedule during the first week of the semester showing days they expect to miss class. For other university-excused absences, students must provide each instructor the earliest advanced notice of the classes they will miss.
- Make-up Work
- It is the responsibility of the student to arrange with the instructor an opportunity to complete missed assignments, activities, and labs that will be missed during excused absences. The student must work with the instructor prior to the absence to develop a plan and document the following for each assignment or activity missed (in an email or some other form):
- Any modifications or changes to the original assignment required in lieu of the in-class element.
- Due date for the assignment or date when activity must be completed.
- Students are responsible for all material covered in classes missed, even when their absences are excused.
- Students should be aware that excessive absences, whether excused or unexcused, may affect their ability to do well in class.
- It is the responsibility of the student to arrange with the instructor an opportunity to complete missed assignments, activities, and labs that will be missed during excused absences. The student must work with the instructor prior to the absence to develop a plan and document the following for each assignment or activity missed (in an email or some other form):
- Any student who feels they have been treated unfairly concerning absences may appeal via the process described in Policy 11.4.
- Faculty Responsibilities
- Upon request, instructors are responsible for providing students with an equitable opportunity to complete work prior to an excused absence. Students are responsible for developing a plan to complete missed activities and assignment with input from instructors. Instructors may require work be completed prior to the absence; however, they are encouraged to work with the student to determine a schedule that gives the student appropriate time to complete the work.
- Instructors may not directly penalize students for participation points accrued during the excused absence.
- Exceptions
- Practice or rehearsal for any event is not eligible for consideration as an excused absence. (Exception: When SUU is the institutional host for a Conference or NCAA Championship, student-athletes from SUU may be permitted to miss class for practice if approved by the Faculty Athletics Representative; however, every effort should be made to schedule such practice at a time with minimum effect on missed classes.)
- This Policy excludes those academic endeavors that require the completion of a predetermined number of contact hours, as in clinical/lab/studio experiences, field placements, or internships. In these instances, the maximum number of absences will be determined by the Program Director, Department Chair, or academic Dean. This Policy does not supersede program accreditation requirements.
- In no case should the number of consecutive days missed for an excused absence exceed five (5) regularly scheduled school days.
- No athletic events, except for Conference or NCAA Championships, may be scheduled during final exam periods.
- Students who miss class due to jury duty, or who are complying with military or emergency law enforcement mandatory activities, are excused from class. However, students are still required to follow the procedures detailed above in Section IV.B.
- Students falsifying information in order to obtain a sanctioned excused absence or sharing information about a make-up examination with other students is considered in violation of Policy 11.2 and/or the Academic Honesty Section of the Student Handbook. Examples of University activities that will not be sanctioned as excused absences include sports clubs, intramural events, Greek activities (events/rushes), and career fairs.
The responsible office for this Policy is the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. For questions about student-athlete absences, contact the Faculty Athletics Representative.
Date Approved: January 29, 2010
Amended: July 6, 2011; December 2, 2020