SUU Seal (for official use only)

POLICY #13.7 
SUBJECT: Constitution of the Alumni Association


The purpose of this Policy shall be (1) to form and strengthen friendships among the alumni, (2) to foster feelings of love and gratitude for our alma mater, (3) to establish beneficial relationships between the Alumni and the University, and (4) to promote the welfare and interests of the Alumni and the University.






  1. Membership
    1. All present and former students, faculty and staff of the University since 1897, and friends of the University interested in its advancement shall all be considered active members of this Association with full rights and benefits.
    2. Special friends of the University who have rendered outstanding service may be recognized by the Alumni Council of the Association as honorary members with full rights and benefits.
    3. Family members of any active or honorary members or of deceased members of the Association programs, events, or activities.
    4. Active and honorary members may become life members upon payment of dues to be determined by the Alumni Council.
  2. Officers and Organization
    1. The officers of the Alumni Association shall be a President and Vice President (President-Elect).
      1. The President shall serve a one-year term of office; after having served one (1) year as Vice President-President Elect; be a member of the Association but not an employee of the University; serve as chairman of the Alumni Council and as a member of the Southern Utah University Board of Trustees; call and preside over Executive Committee meetings and be the official representative of the Association. The President will take office July 1.
      2. The Vice President (President-Elect) shall serve a one-year term of office, be a member of the Association but not an employee of the University; act in any absence of the President; call and preside over the Activities Committee meetings; and carry out official duties as may be designated by the President. The Vice President (President-Elect) shall be elected by majority vote of the Alumni Council at an election to be held each year during the regular meeting of the Council. The Vice President (President-Elect) will take office July 1.
    2. The Alumni Council shall be the governing body of the Association and shall be composed of the officers, an appointed member of the Executive Council of the SUU Student Association, and 12 elected members. Ex-officio members of the council will include a member of the 50-Year Club, the Director of Alumni Relations, and the Director of Development.
      1. The 12 elected members shall hold office for three (3) years with four (4) Council members being elected each year in a manner to be determined by the Council. A majority vote of those association members voting shall be sufficient for election and a tie shall be broken by casting lots. The Alumni Council shall be representative of the Association and of the geographic region served by SUU. Newly elected Council members shall take office July 1.
      2. Vacancies, created other than by expiration of terms of office, shall be filled by appointment made by the Alumni President in consultation with the Executive Committee. Any appointment shall receive a two-thirds majority vote from the Council.
      3. Under the direction of the Alumni President, it shall be the duty of the Council to establish and direct policies, and to exercise general supervision over the Association and its activities. The Council shall make assessments for funding needs, and establish the amount of membership dues.
      4. The Council shall meet at least four (4) times a year and shall convene its annual business meeting during Homecoming week, providing reasonable notice thereof to the members of the Association. Members of the Council can call meetings by a two-thirds petition of the Council. A simple majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum. The President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, may call other meetings of the Alumni Council as deemed advisable.
      5. To ensure a functioning council, appointments may be made by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee to replace Council members who have three (3) consecutive absences from meetings without notification to the Alumni office. Any appointment shall receive a two-thirds majority vote from the Council.
    3. Operations of the Association shall be invested in a five-member Executive Committee of the Alumni Council composed of three (3) elected members chosen each year by the Alumni Council and the two (2) officers. The Executive Committee shall meet as often as necessary to conduct the current affairs of the Association. The Executive Committee shall carry out the policies and programs of the Alumni Council.
    4. The following committees of the Alumni Council shall be established to carry out the programs of the Association:
      1. The Nominating and Elections Committee shall be established annually by appointment of the President to nominate candidates for the office of Vice President-President Elect and candidates for membership on the Alumni Council. Nominations for the Alumni Council shall consider geographical, graduating class and population bases for representation. This committee shall conduct the elections and determine the procedures thereof.
      2. The Activities Committee shall be established annually by the Executive Committee to plan, direct, carry out and evaluate Founders Day, Homecoming (in correlation with the Student Association), and other activities as may be determined by the Alumni Council.
      3. Ad Hoc Committees may be established as necessary to accomplish other purposes of the Association (e.g., determine scholarship or award recipients).
  3. Bylaws and Amendments
    1. The Alumni Council may establish bylaws as it deems necessary.
    2. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the Association voting on such amendments as were previously approved by the Alumni Council and given circulation and publicity thirty days prior to the voting. Voting shall be done by prepared ballot.
    3. This Constitution shall be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the Council members voting.




The responsible office for this Policy is Vice President for Advancement and Enrollment Management. For questions about this Policy, contact the Office of Alumni and Community Relations.


Date Approved: July 27, 1990

Amended: N/A