POLICY #13.20
SUBJECT: Sustainability Committee
- Composition
- The Committee will be comprised of members of the campus community representing a wide range of interests and competencies, including faculty, staff, and the student body. The committee constitution must be as follows: Two co-chairs representing different sections of campus and a balanced combination of faculty, staff, and student members. One member of the Committee shall be assigned to take minutes at each meeting. Terms of service for all members will be for a minimum of one academic year. The roster of the committee shall be between 6 and 15 persons.
- Responsibilities
- The core objective of the Committee shall be to promote the prudent use of public resources through sustainability, enhancing opportunities for future generations on campus.
- The Sustainability Committee is a recommending body that advises University administration and other supporting members of the campus community on the best practices for sustainable action related to Southern Utah University's operations and academia.
- The Committee members will take an active role in researching, discussing, evaluating, and making recommendations related to the responsibilities of the Committee. Collectively, the Committee will act on behalf of the University by offering recommendations that support the University’s Mission and Strategic Plan while prioritizing sustainable practices. In general, the Committee will:
- Define the scope of sustainability at SUU regarding its connection to education and the operational units of campus;
- Evaluate the applicability of sustainable practices implemented successfully on other campuses for consideration at SUU;
- Review and monitor current University policies and procedures as related to practices commonly held as sustainable and make recommendations for changes to these guidelines as needed;
- Consult and collaborate with departments proactively to help implement sustainable front-line practices;
- Recommend goals that define the long-term vision for sustainability at SUU;
- Define funding needs and pursue funding opportunities as needed;
- Work to promote, publicize, and educate others about sustainable programs on campus;
- Help implement, coordinate, and monitor campus sustainability initiatives;
- Prepare progress reports of the findings of the Committee as needed, including a summary of initiatives and recommendations;
- The Committee will seek input from others within the campus community, either as individuals or ad hoc subcommittees, and provide analytics that support proposed sustainable practices and action items;
- The Committee will make decisions within the authority of the Committee co-chairs. Final authority within the Committee shall rest with
the co-chairs. Beyond this capacity, the Committee shall make recommendations to the President’s Cabinet; and - The Committee will recommend long-term sustainability goals and strategic objectives for consideration by the Cabinet.
- Meeting Frequency
- The Committee will meet monthly from September to April of each academic year. May, June, July, and August meetings will be coordinated as schedules and contracts allow. Additional communication and engagement are anticipated between meetings as assignments are carried out.