SUU Seal (for official use only)

POLICY #13.32
SUBJECT: Utah Summer Games Board of Commissioners Bylaws


The purpose of this Policy is to establish guidelines for the Utah Summer Games Board of Commissioners.






    1. The name of this organization shall be the Utah Summer Games Board of Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the Board. The Board is a recommending, development and public relations organization of the Utah Summer Games (“Games”), a body politic of Southern Utah University (“University”) and the State of Utah (“State”).
    1. The Utah Summer Games is committed to the ideals of amateurism, sportsmanship and athletic excellence through the promotion and development of statewide competition. The Games, its directors, coordinators and volunteers seeks to foster wholesome, honest competition and to promote good health and fitness among all residents of the state by encouraging individuals and teams statewide to improve their skills and seek greater attainment in sport; to provide a forum for amateur sport to all participants, volunteers, and spectators of the Games; to create a volunteer corps of individuals dedicated to meeting the needs of Games participants and by managing and presenting sporting activities, special activities and events, and guest services; and to satisfy the fiscal requirements of the Games through the securing and proper management of resources.
    1. Authority: The Board is created by, and subject to, the authority of the President of Southern Utah University and its Board of Trustees.
    2. Purpose: To provide a Board of Commissioners to the Utah Summer Games, and to give support to Games public relations, marketing, and development.
    1. Members shall be appointed by the Southern Utah University Board of Trustees and shall be comprised of University administrators and prominent residents of the state of Utah.
    2. Nominations may be made by members of the Board of Commissioners, the University administration, and the Games administration. Potential nominees should not be contacted until approval has been granted by the Board of Trustees.
    3. The Board of Commissioners shall consist of a minimum of 12 members, which number may be increased as deemed necessary by the Board upon approval by the Board of Trustees. However, not more than 25 members will be selected for Board membership.
    4. Members will be selected for membership based on their interest in the Utah Summer Games, their knowledge of Games programs, and their ability and willingness to dedicate time, energy, and resources to the progress and development of the Games.
    5. Members shall serve for a three-year term. This term limitation may be waived by the Board of Trustees. Members may be reappointed for additional terms. Any vacancy may be filled by the Board for the remainder of the unexpired term.
    6. Other membership on the Board shall include the following: the President of Southern Utah University, the Executive Director of the Games, the Vice President & Chief of Staff, and the Assistant to the President for University Relations. No more than one-third (1/3) of the Board shall be made up of employees from any one entity.
    7. The Executive Director of the Games shall serve as the Secretary of the Board. The Executive Director shall supervise the day-to-day operations and activities of the Board under the direction of the Chair of the Board.
    1. Subject to the authority and policies the President and Board of Trustees of Southern Utah University, the Board is authorized to recommend policy and procedures regarding the following:
      1. Review and recommend policies for the governance of the Games;
      2. Establish procedures for conducting Board business including the appointment of appropriate committees to carry out the work of the Board;
      3. Develop and recommend strategic plans and plans for marketing, fund raising, publicity, any regional competitions, and other matters relating to the events, activities and programs provided by the Games;
      4. Work with the Executive Director, Sports Director, individual Sports Coordinators, the Board of Trustees, and President of the University to evaluate operations, programs, facilities, and long-range plans to ascertain if they are consistent with the Games’ mission, its long-range financial stability, its services, its development and its goals;
      5. Review the activities of the Games and receive appropriate reports and recommendations submitted by the administrators of the Utah Summer Games and the committees, if any, of the Board;
      6. Enhance the image of the Games throughout the state by making others aware of the Utah Summer Games’ accomplishments, programs, and goals;
      7. Inform the various constituencies of the Games about its programs, services, competitions, and plans, as well as assist the Games in its University and public relationships;
      8. Serve as a resource, coordinating the efforts of individuals, corporations, foundations, political bodies, and businesses for the purpose of Games development;
      9. Develop and support corporate and private fundraising programs and projects in coordination with the University Development Office to assist the Games in meeting its budget.
      10. Review annual program priorities, operating budgets, and capital facility budgets prepared by Games staff and make recommendation to the Vice President & Chief of Staff and the President of the University, who will recommend Games budgets to the Board of Trustees; and
      11. Recommend the dates of competition, registration fees, and tickets prices.
    2. While these Bylaws outline responsibilities and recommending authority for the Board, the University President and the Board of Trustees of Southern Utah University maintains their governance and approval authority for the Utah Summer Games.
    1. Officers: The officers of the Board shall be Chair, Vice Chair, and other officers as designated by the Board.
    2. The Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of the President of Southern Utah University, the Chair, the Vice Chair, and the Secretary of the Board.
    3. Election of Officers: Members of the Board eligible for nomination as Chair and Vice Chair are limited to the members of the Board. The Chair shall hold office for one (1) year and may be reappointed for successive terms not to exceed three (3) years.
    4. Duties of Officers
      1. The Chair shall preside at meetings, appoint committee chairs, make committee assignments for community members, serve on the Executive Committee, and make such other standing and special committee appointments as necessary.
      2. The Vice Chair shall serve in the absence of the Chair, and shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
    5. Meetings: Meetings shall be held on a regular basis at least two (2) times each year, at a time and place established by the members. There shall be a winter and summer meeting with the summer meeting designated as the annual meeting. New appointments and election of officers shall take place at that time. Meeting notices shall be sent out at least two (2) weeks in advance. When, because of unforeseen circumstances, it is necessary to hold an emergency meeting to consider matters of an urgent nature, the two-week advance notice may be waived and the best notice practical given. No emergency meeting of the Board shall be held unless an attempt has been made to notify all its members and a majority votes in the affirmative to hold the meeting.
      1. Committee meetings shall occur whenever necessary.
    6. Special Meeting: Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chair of the Board or any five members of the Board at any time provided the procedures for calling the meeting as described in Section IV.F.5. above are followed.
    7. Two (2) consecutive unexcused absences may constitute reason for removal from the Board. A recommendation of the Board to the President of the University and the Trustees shall be made to remove any Board member.
    8. Voting Rights and Quorum: All members of the Board shall have equal voting rights. Not less than a simple majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum of the Board, of which a simple majority vote shall be sufficient to take action. Where timely action is required, a meeting may be convened, with a quorum present, whether corporal or by means of electronic equipment, for the purpose of discussing and acting upon any matter before the Board.
    9. Minutes: Accurate and complete minutes shall be kept of all Board and committee meetings. A permanent file of the same shall be kept as an official record of the activities and actions of the Board. Copies will be distributed to all members of the Board and the President of the University.
    10. Standing Committees: Standing or special committees of the Board, including a Board Executive Committee, may be organized at the majority request of the Board or at the request of any of the Board’s authorities.
    1. The Executive Director of the Utah Summer Games is responsible to the Board of Commissioners, the Vice President & Chief of Staff, and the University President for the management and operation of the Games consistent with the mission of the Games, applicable laws and regulations, and University and Games policies. The Games’ Executive Director is responsible for the effective and efficient operation of the Games through: the appointment of appropriate administrative staff with defined and delegated responsibilities and accountabilities; the development and implementation of the annual operating and capital budget; the provision of financial statements and other reports necessary for the setting of priorities, planning and evaluation; and the enhancement of the quality of any regional and finals competitions of the Utah Summer Games.
    1. Enabling Clause: These Bylaws shall become effective when recommended by the Board of Commissioners and the President and approved by the Board of Trustees of the University.
    2. Amendment: These Bylaws may be amended only when recommended by the Board of Commissioners and the President and approved by the Board of Trustees of the University.




The responsible office for this Policy is the Vice President for Alumni and Community Relations. For questions about this Policy, contact the Executive Director of the Utah Summer Games.


Date Approved: May 4, 2007

Amended: N/A