A student with long, red hair looking at a computer.

AA Student Resources

Here is a list of required textbooks for courses on both the MFA and MA Tracks. Please contact the course instructor or your academic advisor (AA Director: Last Name A-K / AA Associate Director: Last Name L-Z) with additional questions.

Table listing the textbooks for all Arts Administration courses.
Number Name Textbook
AA6010 Principles of Arts Administration (1) Management and the Arts (6th Edition) William Byrnes
AA6040 Arts Advocacy & Cultural Policy (1) Understanding Cultural Policy: Government and the Arts and Culture in the United States (2024) Carole Rosenstein
(2) The Democracy Owners' Manual: A Practical Guide to Changing the World (2002) Jim Shultz (Available through the SUU Library)
AA6050 Managing the Finances of Arts Organizations

(1) Nonprofit Financial Planning Made Easy (2008) Jody Blazek
(2) Strategic Pricing for the Arts (2015) Michael Rushton

AA6060 Fund Development for Arts Administrators (1) Fundraising Principles & Practice (2nd Edition) Adrian Sargeant & Jen Shang
(2) How to Write Successful Fundraising Appeals (3rd edition) Mal Warwick
AA6070 Leadership Development in the Arts (1) Leadership (9th Edition) Peter G. Northouse
(2) Understanding & Changing Your Management Style (2nd Edition) Robert C. Benfari
AA6080 Visual & Performing Arts Studies No Textbook
AA6090 Accounting for Arts Administrators (1) Budgeting and Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations: Using Money to Drive Mission Success (2nd Edition) Lynne A. Weikart and Greg G. Chen
AA6110 Legal Issues in the Arts TBA
AA6210 Grant Writing (1) Storytelling for Grantseekers: A Guide to Creative nonprofit Fundraising (2nd Edition) Cheryl A. Clark
AA6220 Fundraising Event Planning TBA
AA6800 Board Relations & Planning (1) The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance (2010) The Board Source, Jossey-Bass
(2) Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organization (3rd Edition) Michael Allison & Jude Kaye
AA6810 Marketing in the Arts I (1) Standing Room Only: Marketing Insights for Engaging Performing Arts Audiences (2nd Edition) Joanne Scheff Bernstein
AA6830 Marketing in the Arts II (1) The Art of Digital Marketing (2016) Ian Dodson
(2) The New Rules of Marketing & PR (8th Edition) David Meerman Scott
AA6850 Professional Development & Projects No Textbook
AA6890 Professional Arts Internship No Textbook
AA6900 Capstone: MFA No Textbook
AA6940 Capstone: MA No Textbook
AA6980 Degree Defense No Textbook

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SUU Current Students

Photo: SUUAA student doing a remote Capstone Internship (2020)