MMED Housing and Financial Aid

Current tuition costs can be found on the Cashier's Website .  We now have a flat tuition rate of $430 per credit for all students (Utah residents and out-of-state). With the degree requiring 30 total credits, that gives an all in cost of 12,900.

One will likely take 6-9 credits during the summers and then 3-4 during fall and spring semesters. You can take a greater or fewer number any semester, but this serves as a general guide:



6 Credits = 2,580

9 = 3,870

3 Credits = 1,290

4= 1,720

Yes. A limited number of Tuition Waivers are available to be awarded. These are given out to new students for their first summer session and are not ongoing. Once enrolled in your first summer session, you will automatically be in the pool for these waivers. Waivers are then determined on a first applied/enrolled basis. Tuition Waivers are from the Utah Legislature and are available only to Utah residents.

Prospective students might also want to check out the First Year Graduate Student Scholarship.

Teachers are also encouraged to check with their school district for professional development funds that may help with tuition. Previous students have also found student loans available if they meet certain guidelines. There may be assistance available from other sources as well.

University Housing can host students from June 8-27. The rooms will be located in Founders Hall and the cost for the stay would be $750 for the eighteen day stay. Photos can be found at the website listed. The Founders Hall apartments have five bedrooms and five bathrooms. Apartments would likely be assigned by gender and then each participant would have a private bedroom and private bathroom.

If you are interested in this housing option, please contact Chris Ralphs at