Veterans Lounge

The Veterans Lounge is located in room 122-A of the Sharwan Smith Student Center down the hall from the Veterans Center. This lounge is open to all military-connected students to hang out in between classes, eat, study, or just relax. As long as the Sharwan Smith Student Center is open, the lounge is available to students. Student ID cards are used to enter the lounge but If your ID card doesn’t work, please talk to the Veterans Center.

What does it have?

  • TV
  • Work Spaces
  • Computers and Printers
  • Refrigerator
  • Microwave
  • Toaster
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Food and Snacks
  • Whiteboards
  • Conference Table
Veterans Lounge Main Area Veterans Lounge Snack Area Veterans Lounge Snack Table Veterans Lounge Appliances


map showing Veterans Center and Lounge information in context of the Sharwan Smith Center