Drop-In Tutoring
- Use the filters below to see when a tutor is available for your course(s).
- Come to the Tutoring Center (ELC 204) or queue up online at least 30 minutes prior to closing.
- Queue for a Tutor (on this page, in your mySUU portal, at the Tutoring Center check-in desk, or the QR code at every seat in the Tutoring Center) to let us know you are ready for a tutor.
- Complete the queue system questions and submit. You will be redirected to a waiting page. If you are online, click the Zoom link. A tutor will be with you as soon as they are available.

We encourage you to queue up when you have some time available in case there is a wait. Tutors serving the drop-in center try to help all students present (in person and online) and must rotate around to help all. Students may queue for a tutor up to one hour per day. Fewer tutors are available for higher-level courses (because tutors graduate soon after taking them).