Recurring One-on-One Tutoring
Recurring one-on-one tutoring is great for those who want to make efficient use of their time and want in-depth assistance.
- Pre-scheduled 45-minute appointments
- Work with the same tutor each session
- Online or in-person
- Ongoing appointments, recurring weekly (or more often) throughout the semester
- Appointments are $12 each, billed to your student account during finals week or upon discontinuation

Unfortunately, students may not schedule "just one session to get ready for an exam." We would quickly run out of tutors right before exams (peak times) and leave some students without assistance. Instead, come early and come often and use drop-in tutoring or PAL Group tutoring for short-term assistance.
*The SUU Tutoring Center only serves undergraduate courses.*
**Graduate students should seek assistance from their instructor and/or the TA of their course.**
Request to be scheduled for recurring one-on-one tutoring using the form below.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not serve graduate-level courses.