Quick and Easy Lunches for College Students

Posted: November 19, 2020 | Author: Kierstin Pitcher-Holloway | Read Time: 1 minutes

Lunches for college studentsEating lunch in college can often be a tricky undertaking especially for students with busy schedules. Between classes, study sessions and work it can be hard to find time to sit down to eat a full meal, but keeping up energy is necessary to avoid burnout and stay on top of everything.

Here are some quick lunch ideas to stay healthy this semester:

Pack Snacks

Snacking in between classes can help you get the calories you need and stave off the hunger in between classes. Some good snacks might include jerky, pretzels, granola, protein bars, dried fruit, fruit leather, trail mix, nuts, or string cheese.

Quick Sandwiches

Sandwiches are a classic lunch, but not all sandwiches are the most practical to keep in a backpack for the day. These are easier sandwich ideas to avoid ending up with a soggy messy lunch: peanut butter and jelly, Nutella and peanut butter, fried egg and hummus, Nutella and marshmallow cream, lunch meat and cheese.

Sandwich Alternatives

Sandwiches can get old fast, it can help to shake things up with these on-the-go alternatives to sandwiches: smoothies, soup in a thermos, cubed ham or cured meat with crackers.


Whole fruits are a great way to eat on the go. Not only are they healthy, but they are completely disposable and don’t need to be placed in a lunch box or reusable container. Whether it’s apples, pears, or oranges you can’t go wrong with fruit.


On days when you're busy or running late and these ideas don’t work, Southern Utah University’s Student Center offers multiple options to help students stay fed and at their best. Meal options are offered at BRKFST & CO, Chick-fil-a, Papa John’s and Thunderbird Circle Dining Hall. Quicker more snack style options are also available in the Student Center at the Sweet Shoppe and the Student Center Market.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Student Life

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