Meet SUU’s College of Education and Human Development

Posted: January 24, 2022 | Author: Dillon LeBlanc | Read Time: 6 minutes

Meet CEHDWith such exponential growth in the demand for educators, it’s no wonder the Beverley Taylor Sorenson College of Education and Human Development has become a cornerstone of Southern Utah University. If you’re considering this college, a student can expect the opportunity to teach the youth of tomorrow and assist in developing the minds, families, and communities of Utah and beyond. As the second largest college at SUU, with over 3,700 students enrolled in 2021, the chances of networking with a potential employer and landing your dream job are well within reach.

The College of Education and Human Development has bachelor’s and master’s degrees available, as well as program studies for students interested in a minor, or just some general classes. Within each department is a plethora of classes to dip your toes into and see if CEHD is right for you.

COEHD Departments

Teacher Education

As of Fall 2021, the Department of Teacher Education offers a bachelor’s degree in three programs at different levels of education, including elementary and secondary. The school also offers licensure in special education. Within each of these, students are given the opportunity to complete student teaching, a college-supervised immersion program that gives SUU students the chance to work directly with students in the public education system.

“Your participation and engagement in our program will prepare you well to meet the needs of K12 learners that you serve in public, private, and charter schools in the Intermountain West and beyond,” said Dr. Tony Pellegrini, department chair of teacher education

Licensure to be a teacher within the state of Utah comes with a completion of a Bachelor’s degree. With experienced and capable faculty, it’s no wonder a huge majority of graduates from the program see immediate employment and success in their teaching careers. Learn more about the Department of Teacher Education.

Family Life & Human Development

As of Fall 2021, the Department of Family Life & Human Development offers a bachelor's degree with three areas of emphasis, including early childhood development, family services, and family studies (online option available for family studies only). They also offer an associate degree in Child and Family Services with two emphases: Early Childhood Development and Family Services.

Along with the wonderful degrees offered, the department also hosts an annual Family Matters Conference designed to give a critical and valuable insight into the problems that families face today. The conference offers a new perspective for family issues and possible solutions to improve family life as well as individual mindfulness. Open to students and the community, you can learn more about the Family Matters Conference on their website.

Graduate Studies in Education

Along with the undergraduate teaching degrees offered, there is the option to further your expertise by undertaking graduate coursework. The College of Education and Human Development offers master’s degrees in areas such as general education, educational foundations and policy emphasis, special education emphasis, and administrative/supervisory licensure.

“This program promotes teacher professionalism. It provides teachers the skills to identify and resolve local concerns, and to advocate for themselves and their students," said Dr. Joel Judd, director of graduate studies in education. "In short, we encourage teachers to be agents of change in their schools and communities."

Further opportunities include a portion of coursework leading to two Nevada Department of Education licenses as part of the Approved Traditional Teacher Education Program. This is perfect for those pursuing a master’s degree in school administration, as licensure is available for Utah or Nevada. Also included is a professional school leadership program for practicing administrators and students that have already obtained their master’s degree. This program includes training on best practices in the education environment and additional leadership work for those seeking more professional development in their career. For further information, visit the SUU Master of Education website.


Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)

The SUU chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honors Society for Educators, or Phi Delta/KDP for short, is a teachers club designed to deepen the understanding of critical areas in a chosen educational profession. Think of it as a preservice for teachers getting ready to enter the job market. This club will help with professional development, building relationships, and has service opportunities available in communities abroad. To learn more, visit SUU’s T-Bird Connection or

Education Club

The SUU Education Club is an organization targeted towards anyone interested in education. The club is meant to gather future educators together to learn from outside sources and from one another. This is a great way for incoming freshmen to get in touch with more experienced education students and get a general idea of the program as well as tips and tricks to succeed. For more information, find the Education Club on T-Bird Connection.

Family Life and Human Development Club

The Family Life and Human Development Club is a place for students in the college to get a grasp of what the degree is all about as well as participate in events, service projects, and activities across campus and in the community. For more information find the Family Life and Human Development Club on T-Bird Connection.

Kappa Omicron Nu Honors Club

Kappa Omicron Nu is a National Honor Society created to recognize excellence. The purpose of the society is to empower leaders through scholarship, research and leadership. SUU's chapter focuses on the objectives while simultaneously creating friendships among its members. They strive for academic achievement and service in the community. For more information, visit Kappa Omicron Nu’s T-Bird Connection site.

Special Programs

Along with the inclusive clubs within the program, it’s also worth mentioning that CEHD offers a variety of special opportunities and programs for students. Some of these include working with the SUU Preschool, school leadership special development certificates, the Cedar Mountain Science Center, and so much more!

CEHD Students

In an effort to assist in food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic, SUU senior Heather Tilley expanded the network of small pantries available in downtown Lexington Kentucky.

SUU senior Alexandra Nielson graduates as valedictorian of the College of Education and Human Development with an emphasis in both family services and early childhood development.

CEHD student, Kiana Stoker, sees success in the business world as she creates a successful online clothing accessories shop, Reece & Co. The business grossed more than $100,000 in sales in its first year!

CEHD Alumni 

The alumni of CEHD are amazing proof that the college can institute amazing skills that are used for a lifetime. Here are a few fantastic stories of former SUU education students and what they’re up to today.

Caitlin Jones graduated in 2014 and is an elementary school teacher for a title one turnaround school. Teaching is the most rewarding job Caitlin could ever imagine.

Blake Clark graduated in 2018 and is the Executive Director of one of Utah’s best public charter schools, George Washington Academy. Blake has become a wonderful mentor and guide for the children and the school.

Lee Esplin graduated in 1994 and is now the Principal at Somerset Academy Sky Pointe in Nevada. Through hard work and dedication, Lee has used his skills learned at SUU and beyond to create a great career for himself and an incredible learning environment for the children at Somerset.

Learn More

For more information about the College of Education and Human Development at Southern Utah University, visit the college’s academic advising website and schedule an appointment with a student success advisor to learn more about individual programs and the college itself.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Student College of Education and Human Development