Home town:
Cedar City, UT
Current Position:
Senior Manager, Deloitte & Touche LLP
SUU Degrees:
Master of Accountancy (May 2008);
B.S. in Accountancy (May 2007)
With an offer in hand from Deloitte before I finished school, I began working in audit services at their Las Vegas office in the fall of 2008. Through early 2015, I served large public clients in the hospitality and manufacturing industries while I continued to advance professionally. In 2015, I moved to Connecticut to work at Deloitte’s national office alongside some of the most technical and seasoned partners in the firm, drafting and publishing firm guidance and helping engagement teams work through their most challenging and technical issues. I recently returned to the Las Vegas office as a Senior Manager on two of the firm’s largest clients. The accounting courses at SUU were invaluable in preparing me absorb on-the-job training and pass the CPA exam; in particular, Dr. Rees’s Financial Accounting courses, Professor Boneck’s Tax courses, and Professor Lewis’s Business Law courses were instrumental in my success. The direct access to professors made me comfortable as a new staff member to approach senior managers and partners with questions, which kept me on an upward trajectory at the firm.