SUU to Everywhere

Andy Linn ('12)

Andy Linn ('12)
SUU to Social Security Administration

Originally published on June 18, 2018.

Before coming to Southern Utah University, Las Vegas native Andy Linn served in Iraq as a United States Marine. After his time serving in the armed forces, he attended college in his home state before meeting with an SUU recruiter and being offered a scholarship.

After visiting campus, Andy was hooked. “After my tour I asked about deadlines for applying for fall semester and it happened to be the last day to apply for the fall semester,” said Andy. “I scrambled and got everything done that day with a little help from some of the administrators and registration office. Turned out to be the best decision I've ever made!”

While at school, Andy was pursuing a degree in Marketing; however, in November of 2010, a life-changing event put those plans in jeopardy.

“During my time at SUU, I was in a car accident,” said Andy. “A 1.5” pipe went through my face and out the back of my head. I was in the ICU for almost two weeks.”

After Andy was released, he went back to class facing several medical challenges along with his jaw wired shut. SUU’s caring and engaged faculty immediately jumped into action to get Andy back on track.

“All of my professors were amazing,” said Andy. “My sociology professor, Michael Ostrowsky, not only helped me with getting caught up on work from the previous semester, but also was extremely kind and motivating with regards to my progress. I owe all my success to him and professors like him.”

Andy graduated from SUU’s marketing program and went on to work as a Claims Specialist for the Social Security Administration (SSA). His work includes helping people apply for disability and plan and prepare for retirement.

His favorite part of the job is helping people when they are in need. “I've been there and know how they feel. I'm glad I can help get them back on their feet and get them the benefits they so desperately need.”

“SUU gave me the tools, skills and life experiences to be ready for the work and professional environment that I am in everyday,” said Andy. “I learned that I can fight through just about anything and that no matter how impossible things seem, you're one step away from getting back on track.”

“Attending SUU will change your life for the better and help you everyday after you graduate.”

Learn more about SUU’s Marketing program.

Tags: Alumni School of Business