SUU to Everywhere

Braden Bybee ('18)

Braden Bybee ('18)
SUU to Future Dentist

Originally published on December 04, 2018.

After serving a mission, Braden Bybee chose to attend Southern Utah University because of the high quality education and opportunity to prepare for dental school.  

With several career interests, Bybee studied multiple subjects including accounting, entrepreneurship, pre-med and biochemistry.

“At SUU, I really learned that I love health care,” said Bybee. “The cadaver practicum was a rare hands-on experience with dissection, which helped me feel comfortable pursuing a career in surgery.”

Bybee was also impressed by the entrepreneurship speaker series and decided to start his own business with the help of Professor Tyler Stillman. Now Bybee runs his own company, Bybee Pest Control, while also attending dental school full time at the University of Utah.

“The professors at SUU helped me see the connection between my two passions of science and business,” said Bybee. “Dean of the School of Business, Dr. Mary Pearson, assured me that earning a business degree would benefit me in my future health care career and so far it has.”

“SUU prepared me to have a solid understanding of the sciences as well as a solid understanding of business,” said Bybee. You get the best individual attention and education at SUU.”

Learn more about SUU’s accounting program.

Tags: Alumni School of Business Accounting