SUU to Everywhere

Clint Painter (’94)

Clint Painter (’94)
SUU to Accountant and County Commissioner

Originally published on January 22, 2021.

Clint Painter loves to be involved, just as he was as an SUU student.

The Nephi, Utah, native graduated with a bachelor’s degree in accounting in 1994, and while a Thunderbird, immersed himself in SUU’s multi-varied student life. And, his active approach to his education helped form a life of service. He is in his second term as a Juab County Commissioner.

He says that while at SUU he first learned the philosophy of living his life without regret, and began to step out of his comfort zone. He credits his professors who taught him persistence and dedication, and his “co- and extra-curricular involvement that added an extra dimension on how to get the job done and to learn who you are and and who you can be.”

He was well known as a disk jockey for the campus radio station, a post he sought because, he says, he loves to talk, and that attribute has served him well in his life, as have his Sigma Chi experiences and friendships gained in SUU’s Greek life.

But his life as an accountant truly began at SUU because, he says, he felt absolutely comfortable in that pursuit here. His first position following graduation was with FranklinCovey and after 14 years he became the controller for AZOMITE Mineral Products, Inc., the products of which are used in a variety of ways including a feed additive for livestock and other farm animals as well as a soil amendment.

He loves the outdoors to camp, fish and hunt, is a devoted uncle to eight nieces and nephews, and relishes his trips back to his alma mater.

“One of my favorite trips was when I took my oldest niece and gave her a campus tour. She had made up her mind to attend SUU, so I did not have to give the sales pitch I often gave as a Presidential Ambassador,” he says.

Tags: Alumni Accounting

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