SUU to Everywhere

Grant Adams ('10)

Grant Adams ('10)
SUU to Arts Administrator

Originally published on February 28, 2018.

Grant Adams spent five years working in sales and marketing for a construction equipment company before deciding he wanted to follow a new career path. After extensive research, he decided to attend Southern Utah University for the experiential education that he couldn't find anywhere else.

In pursuit of a masters degree in arts administration, Grant kept himself busy with opportunities both on and off-campus.

“While studying at SUU, I worked in the marketing department at the Utah Shakespeare Festival,” said Grant. “I also worked in the Braithwaite Fine Art Gallery as they prepared to transition to the Southern Utah Museum of Art. Both positions gave me valuable experience and knowledge to help me succeed in my career.”

Grant also volunteered with the Southwest Wildlife Foundation, a nonprofit organization with the goal of rescuing and rehabilitating wildlife. He played a key role in helping them articulate their vision of building a permanent wildlife facility and nature park in Cedar City.

“I can't emphasize enough how important it was to have hands-on experiences working with different arts organizations and nonprofits,” said Grant. “This went a long way to help me get the proverbial ‘foot in the door’ after I graduated.”

As a non-traditional student, Grant relied on dedicated professors and advisors to help him succeed and have the tools he needed to enter a new job market.

Grant now works at NINE dot ARTS, an art consulting firm in Denver, Colorado. As Senior Art Administrator, his work involves advising businesses on building thoughtful art collections that help them tell their story. The types of organizations he works with ranges from children’s hospitals to multi-family residences.

“There are a lot of things I really love about my job,” said Grant. “I get to work with different artists throughout the country and place their artwork in public spaces. I love finding the perfect art piece for one of my clients, and it feels good to help an artist advance their career at the same time.”

Grant’s experiences and knowledge he gained at SUU gave him the competence and confidence to succeed in his new career.

Learn more about the master of arts in art administration program.

Tags: Alumni Arts Administration College of Performing and Visual Arts