SUU to Everywhere

Holly Tebbs Wilkinson (’97 and ’98)

Holly Tebbs Wilkinson (’97 and ’98)
SUU to Springville City Accountant

Originally published on May 05, 2023.

Holly Tebbs Wilkinson was always drawn to the world of numbers, which is what led her to the world of accounting. And when it came to choosing a college, SUU’s strong accounting program, and the fact that her father, Richard, was a professor here, made this university “the most economical choice.”

She earned her bachelor’s degree in accounting in 1997, and completed an MAcc in 1998. While doing her undergraduate work, Holly also minored in French and completed a semester of study abroad in Paris. She describes that study abroad adventure as an extremely memorable and life changing experience.

“I learned how to be independent, make wonderful friends, and how to support myself and serve my community,” Holly says about how SUU helped her grow.

An important part of her experience here were the relationships that she developed, particularly with Professors Gary Giles, David Rees, and Marty Larkin.

“I also enjoyed my internship at the controller's office with Mitch Bealer (’81 & ’95). It was my first professional experience and I relied on what I learned there through all of my future jobs,” she says.

Upon graduation, Holly married her husband, Greg Wilkinson. They moved to many different states together and Holly held several jobs, including as an accountant for Arizona State University's Foundation, as a manufacturing accountant for American Color Graphics, a treasurer in multiple charity organizations, and a part-time accountant for the Springville Museum of Art Association.

Now settled in Springville, Utah, Holly works as the accountant for Springville City. Her husband teaches at BYU and the couple has four children. Holly’s agreeable days are filled with work and family, where, she says, her children are the light of her life.

Tags: Master of Accounting Alumni Accounting