SUU to Everywhere

Jason Blackham ('99)

Jason Blackham ('99)
SUU to Olympic Doctoring

Originally published on September 23, 2016.

As a kid, Jason Blackham always dreamed of going to the Olympics as a professional athlete. He never would’ve guessed a career in medicine would get him there.

Jason started at Southern Utah University as a runner for the school’s track and field team, but found a passion for biochemistry and sports medicine. He started participating in pre-med advisory committees, and graduated with a major in biology and a minor in both chemistry and mathematics.

After his time at SUU, Jason attended medical school and was surprised by how prepared he was. “That first year of med school wasn’t as hard as expected because SUU’s pre-med classes were so rigorous,” said Jason.

After medical school, Jason worked in various parts of the county in both internal and sports medicine. He volunteered at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado which introduced him to the athletes and trainers. It was through this experience that he had the opportunity to travel with the U.S. team to Brazil for the 2016 Rio Olympics.

“I was amazed by the foundation that I received,” said Jason. “I was very prepared because of SUU, and the experiences I had at SUU can’t be found anywhere else.”

Jason studied biology at SUU. Learn more about the program.

Tags: Alumni Biology