SUU to Everywhere

Jennifer Bevan ('98)

Jennifer Bevan ('98)
SUU to Mental Health Counselor

Originally published on July 19, 2022.

Since graduating from Southern Utah University with a degree in Psychology, Jennifer Bevan has become a successful licensed clinical mental health counselor who owns her own practice, Everest Counseling LLC.

“I provide outpatient psychotherapeutic services to individuals, couples, and families specific to trauma, loss/grief, anxiety and mood disorders, sexual health and wellness, infidelity/affair recovery, and those who are navigating gender fluidity and expansion,” she says. “I absolutely love my career and find it a privilege to work alongside of incredibly brave and emotionally resilient human beings who want to improve their overall well-being, relationships and sense of self.”

She fell in love with SUU during a campus tour and made plans to pursue a pre-med major, but she quickly changed those plans after taking an organic chemistry class. Through the prompting of a caring tutor who challenged her to “discover her heart,” she took a look at psychology. After Prof. Les Jones’ iconic class (Why do we do the things we do?) and a sex and gender class from Tina Fredrickson, she was “hooked” and officially switched her major and professional goals.

Jennifer, a founding member of Delta Psi Omega, credits SUU for helping her find purpose in all domains of her life, and putting her on a trajectory of success and mastery.

“Through my Greek life involvement, I established relationships that have anchored me throughout my lifetime. I met my current husband at SUU, my best friends, my soul mama's, my chosen family,” she says. “I learned about love, heartbreak, integrity, diversity, loyalty, perseverance, determination, tenacity, dedication, and the gifts of failure and imperfection at SUU. I couldn't have asked for a more fulfilling and successful college experience.”

In her free time, Jennifer and Brandon, her husband of 28 years, love to travel and provide their two boys, Quinn (age 11) and Kameron (age 14) with rich experiences from around the world. They particularly love to sail in the American and British Virgin Islands, and listen to the tunes of Jimmy Buffet and Kenny Chesney. The Bevan family resides in Salt Lake City.

Tags: College of Humanities and Social Sciences Alumni

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