SUU to Everywhere

Jill Shore (’90)

Jill Shore (’90)
SUU to Elementary Educator

Originally published on December 01, 2019.

With three decades of teaching experience, Jill Heppler Shore continues to find success in her classroom where she makes a difference in the lives of her elementary school students.

“I look forward to seeing my students each day and watching them thrive,” she says.

Originally from Los Gatos, California, and a graduate of Los Gatos High School, Jill came to SUU planning to major in engineering. But during her sophomore year she changed her major to education with a new plan for a vocation. With an aim to eventually have a family, she saw the great benefit of a career as a teacher, being able to enjoy vacations and summer breaks with her children. That decision served her well as she is now in her 30th year as an educator. Currently, she is a fifth grade teacher in the Evergreen School District of San Jose, California.

“SUU gave me the tools I needed to be a successful teacher,” she says of her experience here. “The education program was amazing and provided an exceptional jumpstart to my career.”

Her SUU years also taught her to be confident and independent, and she reflects warmly on the positive support system provided to her by faculty and staff. While a student, Jill also met an incredible group of friends and together they founded the Phi Alpha Beta sorority (now Alpha Phi) and remain very close to this day and frequently gather for reunions.

Jill and her husband Craig currently live in Morgan Hill, California, and are parents of three sons. She loves attending 49ers football games, strolls around beach towns, and wine tasting.

Tags: Education College of Education and Human Development