SUU to Everywhere

Josh Smith ('09)

Josh Smith ('09)
SUU to Military Journalism

Originally published on October 28, 2016.

Josh Smith was always a news junkie with a thirst for exploration. It was during his time at Southern Utah University that Josh discovered his true potential in the world of journalism.

“The classes gave me a well-rounded knowledge that prepared me for my future,” explained Josh. “The teachers were always approachable and provided personalized help both in the classroom and out.”

After graduating and landing jobs with publications like, Deseret News and the National Journal in Washington, DCJosh’s career propelled him around the world as a reporter for Stars and Stripes, a magazine that serves the United States military community, covering the troops in Afghanistan, where he has lived for almost three years.

Josh’s life in Afghanistan is like a “whiplash between two worlds.” At one moment, he may be enjoying a night with friends; and in the next instant, he is rushing down the street, camera in hand, to cover a suicide bombing.

Now with American troops withdrawing from the area, Josh’s writing and photography has remained embedded in the communities and gives millions of readers a glimpse into life in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and several countries in Europe.

Josh credits his embedded journalism success to the hands-on experience in various areas of TV broadcast, radio, and print journalism at SUU.

The power of storytelling in a time of war may be a stronger weapon than a gun. Josh chooses shooting through his lens, rather than a scope.

Josh graduated with a degree in Communication. Learn more about the program.  

Tags: College of Humanities and Social Sciences Alumni