SUU to Everywhere

Leeon Jeffs ('03)

Leeon Jeffs ('03)
SUU to Laserlike Business

Originally published on July 13, 2016.

Laser hair removal can often trigger consumers’ minds to think of an expensive process, but one Southern Utah University alumnus, along with a couple of partners, came up with an idea to help make laser hair removal more accessible and affordable for consumers.

“A friend suggested that we do a laser hair removal membership pass, similar to a monthly gym pass. This was the first laser hair removal company that offered a month-to-month payment system,” said Leeon Jeffs (’03), vice president of regional development at Simplicity Laser.

Simplicity Laser has now been in operation for around five years and has 12 locations in six states. While the company has grown drastically, a 1,700 percent increase in the past five years, it was not always smooth-sailing.

After losing his car, his house and moving in with his in-laws within the first year, Jeffs and his business partners had a rough first year once launching the business, “Because of the nature of startup businesses, none of us received a paycheck in the first year.”

“I look back at the situation and ask myself, ‘Why did I stay?’ but I knew it would work if we could just get it going. I think a lot of people quit startup businesses right before they are about to become successful,” said Jeffs.

Now with his business skyrocketing and more locations opening up, Jeffs gives his entrepreneurial success to a class he had with SUU Professor Derek Snow. “Business is all about having good relationships. It goes back to a marketing management class I had with Professor Snow, where he taught us about the importance of good relations. That was probably the most important thing I learned while at SUU.”

Jeffs said SUU was a chance for him to gain real-world experience as well as an abundance of sales confidence through the courses and opportunities offered at the school. As far as what he plans to do with the rest of his career, Jeffs said he is fine staying right where he is.

“I do like challenges and opportunities,” he noted. “Entrepreneurialism can be hard and brutal, but if you can make it to the top, it can be pretty fun. But I really like running a successful business, one that I saw build itself from the ground up. It’s something I want to continue doing.” 

Leeon graduated with a degree in Marketing. Learn more about the program.  

Tags: Alumni School of Business