SUU to Everywhere

Megan Taylor ('12)
SUU to Mountain Peaks

Originally published on April 06, 2016.

When Megan Taylor first arrived at Southern Utah University she wanted to be an adventurous mountain guide and declared her major in outdoor recreation. However, during one-on-one time with Dr. Briget T. Eastep in the Outdoor Engagement Center (OEC) at SUU, Megan discovered that higher education was her true calling.

Working with Dr. Eastep and the OEC helped Megan realize her life’s purpose; teaching with the mountains and outdoor surroundings serving as her foundation.

“My passion is nature. I have climbed mountains, hiked the Appalachians and cycled across America. Thanks to SUU, I’ve discovered a deeper passion for the outdoors, and I know that I want to provide the same life-changing opportunities to my future students.”

Currently, Megan is working on her Ph.D. in parks, recreation & tourism with future goals to create an Outdoor Recreation bachelor’s program at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH.

Megan’s dreams are to mentor students the way SUU faculty mentored her. She hopes to give students “an education for a lifetime of adventure.”

Megan graduated with a degree in Outdoor Recreation in Parks and Tourism. Learn more about the program.

Tags: Outdoor Recreation Alumni College of Education and Human Development