SUU to Everywhere

Nicole Thomas ('92)

Nicole Thomas ('92)
SUU to Yahoo in London

Originally published on July 12, 2016.

As an aspiring actress and a gifted storyteller and writer, Nicole Thomas was unsure when she declared her major at Southern Utah University. By the time she graduated with her degree in English literature, Nicole had learned the importance of critical thinking and question asking.

Now as a Senior Search Account Manager for Yahoo in London, Nicole uses the skills learned at SUU as she mentors budding writers.

Beginning her college career as an aspiring actress and a gifted storyteller and writer, Nicole was unsure when she declared acting as her major at SUU. With help from caring professors, Nicole learned the importance of critical thinking and asking questions which gave her strength to become independent and make decisions for herself.

Although a much different path than what she expected studying acting, she found her passion and graduated with a degree in English literature. Soon after  Nicole launched a successful career in online media.

After serving at Microsoft, Nicole now works as a senior search account manager for Yahoo in London, a place she has called home for 10 years now. She also continues to hone her skills as a storyteller at Spark London, where she mentors budding writers. 

Nicole graduated with a degree in English Literature. Learn more about the program.


Tags: College of Humanities and Social Sciences Alumni