SUU to Everywhere

Rose Jacklin

Rose Jacklin
SUU to Inspiring Educator

Originally published on September 27, 2017.

Rose Jacklin was offered academic and athletic scholarships all over the west, but she chose Southern Utah University because she wanted to excel in a smaller college setting where opportunities were more available than at a larger institution.

After playing sports for two years, Rose was named an all-conference athlete in both volleyball and basketball.  However, she realized that committing so much time to sports was keeping her from focusing on her academics. She took herself off her athletic scholarship and hit the books.

Rose obtained a degree in psychology with a minor in history, and shortly after graduation, she completed her education certification. She then went on to obtain a master’s degree in education in 2003 and her doctorate in education in 2008.

“SUU has held a great influence throughout my career,” said Rose. “I had excellent teachers who supported me and encouraged me. I enjoyed my years in the psychology and history departments and still think about my professors who inspired and motivated me… and are still inspiring me to achieve greater heights.”  

Rose is now in her 33rd year of teaching in the Granite School District and teaches American history. By setting an example and demonstrating good citizenship practice, Rose encourages student growth.

“I learned while at SUU that I could help empower other people through supporting and assisting people in need, said Rose. “From my early college years to today, I enjoy helping others, no matter the task.”

In 2015, Rose received the Huntsman Award for Excellence in Education, a prestigious award given to six teachers annually amongst hundreds of nominees.

One of Rose’s former colleague’s said this in her nomination letter:

“Rosemary Jacklin is the favorite teacher who coached them, took them climbing on Anasazi ladders in the cliffs of Mesa Verde, taught them history while hiking in the mountains, took them on tour to Washington, D.C., or picked up litter with them for the ‘Adopt a Highway’ program. Most of all, they remember she loved them, challenged them and motivated them to succeed.”

Rose hopes to someday return to Cedar City and teach at SUU.

Learn more about the Psychology, History, and Education Departments.

Tags: College of Humanities and Social Sciences Alumni College of Education and Human Development History