SUU to Everywhere

Roxanne Bennett ('93)

Roxanne Bennett ('93)
SUU to Entrepreneur

Originally published on January 25, 2017.

Roxanne Bennett grew up in a small town in Idaho with a passion for helping others and a dream to one day own her own business. After marrying her husband Kendall Bennett, Roxanne came to Southern Utah University to earn her degree in education.

With the help of the faculty and staff at SUU, Roxanne was able to juggle motherhood and a large coursework to finish her bachelor’s degree.

After graduating, Roxanne taught kindergarten for a year - and enjoyed it - but realized she wanted to follow her entrepreneurial dreams.

Roxanne launched Utah Valley Magazine with Kendall and other family members in 2000. In 2004 Roxanne added trade shows and events to her portfolio, and has since owned and organized business conferences, home shows, and women shows. Roxanne’s most recent large venture was in 2014, when she started Pinners Conference, which has expanded throughout Salt Lake City, Dallas, Atlanta and Phoenix.

Though she does not use her degree to teach in a classroom setting; she believes that if a person can transfer their college education into their daily living—where they are constantly learning—that is her main goal.

Roxanne said: “Our whole theme for Pinners Conference is learn, create, connect; and I love that concept of always getting an education.”

Roxanne’s education at SUU has developed her into both a teacher and learner for life.

Learn more about SUU's education program.


Tags: Alumni College of Education and Human Development