SUU to Everywhere

Scott Seegmiller (’77)

Scott Seegmiller (’77)

Originally published on January 25, 2021.

SUU’s acclaimed accounting program has turned out perhaps far more than its share of successful practitioners of the “language of business,” and Scott Seegmiller of the class of 1977 is among the most accomplished.

The Dixie High product is chief financial officer of the residential property group WestCorp of Las Vegas, and the managing partner of spin-off arm Ascent Multifamily LLC , which offers outsourced accounting services to companies across the US, and prepares monthly financial statements for 289 communities each month. 

He says he was largely focused on his studies while on campus.

“Every afternoon, while my roommates were at Brian Head skiing, or exploring the girls dorms, I was in the basement of the old Library in Special Collections, studying accounting,” he says, adding that he learned how to innovate at SUU and how to figure out what the next big thing might be.

Building on his SUU education and a knack for efficiency, Scott is known and applauded for his ability to examine a business practice and devise a better, faster and less expensive way to perform that practice. He points to the personal touch offered at SUU as a cornerstone of his success, and recognizes the late Gary Giles in particular as a mentor and advocate in both his education and career.

He began that career at one of the Big Four firms—Deloitte—with, he says, help from a personal recommendation to the managing partner by the highly regarded Professor Giles.

He and his wife Joyce have seven children and completed an LDS mission in Medellin, Colombia, in September 2019. And, Scott has passed on the SUU spirit to his son, Jarrett, who earned a Masters of Accounting degree in 2016. Jarrett’s wife, Sandra Snow Seegmiller, graduated from the nursing program with a bachelor’s degree, and is working on becoming a doctor.

Tags: Business Alumni Accounting