SUU to Everywhere

Shannon Schaerer ('08)

Shannon Schaerer ('08)
SUU to Swiss Web Design

Originally published on June 19, 2016.

Beginning her education in small town Cedar City, Shannon Schaerer had no idea where her education would take her. While studying marketing, Schaerer took an opportunity to study abroad for the summer. First stop, Switzerland, little did she know that it would be her last. Falling in love with the city, the mountains, and the culture, she decided to make Zurich her home.

Now working on the shores of Lake Zurich, Schaerer revels in the beauty surrounding her. With her career in web design and development, she attributes her success to her natural creative flair and the opportunities she received as an SUU student.

“Life should be what I want it to be, and not what others tell me it should be,” shares Schaerer.

Her life now settled in Switzerland, Schaerer works for Bob Finance of Valora. She is a interaction designer who makes web pages, and creates marketing of online newsletters, ads and print advertising.

Tags: Alumni College of Performing and Visual Arts