SUU to Everywhere

Sherri Riggs ('14)

Sherri Riggs ('14)
SUU to Broadcast Journalism

Originally published on March 01, 2018.

Sherri Riggs came to Southern Utah University knowing that there would be many unique opportunities to get involved and try new things.

As a communication major, she took full advantage of those opportunities and involved herself in all things communication including: working with SUU’s cable T.V. channel SUTV, the Thunder 91 Radio station, and as a communication department representative for the SUU student association.

In addition to her active involvement on campus, Sherri had several faculty mentors that helped her in many ways. Among those faculty are: Jon Smith, a media studies professor who taught her the basics of TV, Cal Rollins who manages Thunder 91 and took a chance on her by allowing her to host a morning and midday radio show for twos years despite never having taken a radio class, and Ellen Treanor, assistant vice president  of brand strategy, who helped her feel confident in the world of strategic communication.

A turning point for Sherri came late in her college career after she had already received a scholarship to start a master of communication degree. While working in the athletics department, she was approached by the Deputy Director of Athletics, Dean O’Driscoll, who told her she was destined for something different and got her an interview with KUTV Channel 2 in Salt Lake City. That job proved to be the start she needed in her career in television.

Sherri now works as an anchor/reporter for Flame Tree TV/KSPN located in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands or CNMI. Her responsibilities include anchoring a nightly 30 minute newscast, daily reporting, and posting on social media frequently to guide viewers back to the newscast.

“I love changing people’s lives,” said Sherri. “I've done a few stories where workers aren't getting paid, and their employers end up paying them their money after my report because of the information I found. It's moments like that where I'm so glad I'm in TV.”

Sherri loves working in paradise and spending every weekend on the beach and considers herself an avid snorkeler. She frequently looks back on her path that led her here.

“Every aspect of where I am now started with the skills I learned and the people I met at SUU.”

Learn more about SUU’s communication department.

Tags: College of Humanities and Social Sciences Alumni