SUU to Everywhere

Tim Beery ('18)

Tim Beery ('18)
SUU to Communication Manager

Originally published on May 23, 2018.

Tim Beery's education doesn't follow a traditional timeline. In fact, it spans over two decades. During his first years at SUU, Tim was very young and unsure of where he wanted to go in life. He had little motivation to focus at school and failed several courses ultimately leaving the institution.

In the years that followed, Tim joined the military, serving as a journalist in the Army National Guard for ten years, traveling across the globe as a military reporter. However, the desire to return to school was always at the front of his mind. After serving in the National Guard, he decided to return to SUU, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in communication.

“I remembered the intimate campus of SUU, and returning was all I hoped for,” said Tim. “I was able to connect with mentors who became friends and found myself in Cedar City.”

One of those mentors was Cal Rollins, the KSUU station manager. During his time at school, Rollins gave Tim the freedom to express himself creatively as the station was being rebranded. Through this process the two developed a lifelong friendship.

Tim’s time at SUU has also influenced his professional career. He currently works as the Communications Manager for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT).

In my work for UDOT, I wear a number of hats,” said Tim. “My job is to tell the story of a public entity. I keep the public informed and involved in what UDOT does from day to day.”

In addition to his work for UDOT, SUU helped Tim in his military career. Since graduation he has deployed to Belize and Houston to aid in Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.

“My role with the US Army is similar to UDOT, I get to tell the soldier's story,” said Tim. “I'm very proud to wear that hat for both organizations. SUU gave me confidence in what I can do. It gave me direction for my career and the hands on experience developed me to become an outstanding professional.”

Learn more about SUU’s Communication Program.

Tags: College of Humanities and Social Sciences Alumni